Animal/SheltersOrganizations/Non-ProfitWoman Owned Hours: 9am - 9pm Driving Directions: In Beaverdale between Douglas Ave and Urbandale Ave on 49th St.
Iowa Bird Rehabilitation’s purpose is to recover, rehabilitate and release wild birds in Iowa.
Iowa Bird Rehabilitation
About Us
Iowa Bird Rehabilitation (IBR) is a wildlife rehabilitation center located in Iowa where we provide care for songbirds, waterfowl, gamebirds, shorebirds, and small raptors. IBR was founded in 2012 and was formally established as a non-profit in 2018. Currently, there is no other organization in central Iowa that provides the same unique benefits we offer to both the community and nature. We have taken in over 11,000 birds to date, with an average yearly increase of 25%, admitting almost 2000 birds in 2023 alone.
IBR relies on volunteer help with rescue, transport, care, resource management, media, community outreach and education. We are exceptionally positioned to serve the Des Moines metro area, and beyond, in providing education, enrichment, and volunteer opportunities to people of all ages who have an interest in local avian conservation. We also provide valuable assistance, education, and advice to a growing number of people in our community who value Iowa’s wildlife.
Iowa Bird Rehabilitation is a nonprofit, volunteer based organization whose goal is to recover, rehabilitate and release orphaned and injured wild birds in the state of Iowa. We are licensed through the Iowa DNR and have a federal permit through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
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